Microsoft Flow How to Send Email to Group When Upload File to Sharepoint

[Jan 2022 Update:the pricing/licensing changes discussed beneath have been announced, see the January blog post here  for more than details.]

Content is the lifeblood of organizations, carrying decisions, transactions, and knowledge amidst employees and stakeholders. But the flood of unstructured content – documents, videos, images, and more than – can overwhelm organizations that nonetheless utilise manual tools to handle their content.

At Ignite last year, nosotros launched SharePoint Syntex, Microsoft's content management solution that uses AI to turn unstructured files into organized information to help you discover, protect, and automate business concern practices.  And it'southward been a busy yr as nosotros've added new capabilities to support ease of use, precise certificate modeling, analytics, and compliance.

Let's look at how ane of our customers, the London Stock Exchange Group, uses Syntex to help manage circuitous investment documents.

London Stock Exchange Grouping (LSEG) is i of the globe's largest providers of financial data and infrastructure. Working with over 40,000 customers and over 400,000 end users beyond 190 countries, LSEG provides information, insights, and engineering to enable customers to execute critical investing, trading, and risk decisions with confidence.


Every week, LSEG analysts spend 15 to twenty hours, on average, reading and processing hundreds of investor information documents. With Syntex, LSED was able to reduce that weekly fourth dimension to xc minutes or less. Learn more in today's client story "London Stock Exchange Grouping supercharges investor analysis process from 20 hours to ninety minutes with ...".

At Ignite this week, you can acquire more well-nigh Syntex in our on-demand sessions:

  • "Accelerating business content process with Knowledge and Content Services  –Viva Topics, SharePoint Syntex, Search, and more" (OD118) | Speakers: CJ Tan, Chris McNulty, and Sean Squires
  • " Learn how SharePoint Syntex uses AI to transform the future of business organisation content processes " | Speakers: Ankit Rastogi and Sugandha Jha

This yr nosotros move Syntex beyond document classification - providing more features to deliver broad user value. Let's await.

Content associates

Syntex models create structured metadata from unstructured content to add tags and policy labels to your files. Many times, though, you may need to rebuild common certificate types – nondisclosure agreements, contracts, purchase orders, and more than – where the basics stay the same from one doc to the next. Possibly but the company proper noun or address change.

Content assembly delivers intelligent certificate templates for Microsoft 365. Launching soon, you'll be able to build new content from your existing data sources, leveraging our AI models to plough existing documents into automatic templates, to create contracts, invoices, statement of works and more than.

Content assembly in Syntex Content assembly in Syntex

 Content assembly volition roll out in December 2021 and is being tracked on the Microsoft 365 public roadmap as item 88717.

Contract management

Syntex contract management lets yous govern contract creation, assay, and lifecycles, with standard clause libraries, workflow driven approvals, automatic classification, and lifecycle management. Our solution, which can be installed from the SharePoint lookbook, will permit you to accelerate these common processes. The lookbook is a browsable online catalog of site design and templates published by Microsoft. And although you can use them equally a visual guide to your ain site configuration, y'all tin can also use the templates to your sites and Syntex content centers on demand.

This solution will also gyre out in December 2021 and is existence tracked on the Microsoft 365 public roadmap as item 88713.

Search and analysis

Adding rich metadata is powerful - but how practise you use the metadata to get back to your content? Y'all can utilise advanced Keyword Query Language (KQL) but that's not ever an easy procedure.

With advanced metadata search, Syntex users can select an icon in the search box that unlocks a metadata-based search class in Syntex & SharePoint document libraries. Initially the class shows 5 fields – keyword, people, proper name, type, and modified. This enhancement is rolling out now and is being tracked on the Microsoft 365 public roadmap every bit item 85549.

Metadata search powered by Syntex Metadata search powered past Syntex

And soon, you'll be able to filter by custom content types – e.g., not "Document" or "Binder."  Content blazon filtering will outset rolling out by the end of Nov 2021.

Alerts and reports

Nosotros're calculation a visualization service to let you create beautiful experiences to clarify and automate content processes seamlessly. You'll exist able to automatically build visualizations of library metadata with Ability BI and share them with other users. (This capability volition also be bachelor for SharePoint users). This feature will coil out in December 2021 and is beingness tracked on the Microsoft 365 public roadmap as item 88706.

We're also adding a no-code rules engine to drive content alerts. Based on the rules wizard in Microsoft Lists, alerts utilize a simple, no-code sorcerer to send updates when documents are added or deleted, or when someone edits metadata.


Library alerts volition also exist available to SharePoint users . The feature is beingness tracked as roadmap ID 88710 and will begin rollout in December 2021.

Finally, we're adding support for document metadata as a source for the SharePoint-based Quick chart webpart for dr. libraries. (Quick nautical chart library back up will also be available to legacy SharePoint users.) This integration is existence tracked on the roadmap as item 88716 and is rolling out now as well.

Prebuilt models

Document modeling and automatic nomenclature take been the heart of Syntex since day one. And nosotros're continuing to enrich our cadre content processing engine, calculation back up for prebuilt models to handle files like invoices or receipts. These volition be available through the content heart. This characteristic will curl out in December 2021 and is beingness tracked on the Microsoft 365 public roadmap as item 88713.

Other upcoming updates include:

  • Local model creation - This adequacy empowers you to create local certificate understanding models in Team and Communication sites, in addition to a Syntex content centre. This feature volition roll out in November 2021.
  • Menu views - We're giving you a new "card view" to highlight extracted metadata in libraries with Syntex models attached. This feature volition roll out in November 2021.

Content processing is tied to workflow – which is why we're also proud to curl out our Power Automate integrations. Using the Power Platform, you can use a custom flow to trigger unmarried file or batch processing for existing content with a form processing model. You can too use Power Automate to transport a custom email after a file finished processing with a Syntex model. These updates will send afterwards in November 2021.

Starting in December, yous'll be able to run form processing models against structured documents in French, German, Italian, and Castilian. This characteristic will begin to rollout in Dec 2021.

And we'll also exist shipping additional content center design templates to the online lookbook catalog, as mentioned above, in November 2021.

We're adding a richer classifier for prototype tags to make your images easier to recall. Currently, when you upload images to a library, we create a column named Image Tags which extracts tags from within the file and automatically adds any of 37 bones descriptive labels to assistance with search.

With this change, nosotros're updating our classifier for Syntex users to include thousands of different labels, making your images even easier to discover and call back. This feature will begin rollout to Targeted Release customers with Syntex user licensing in December 2021 and is tracked under roadmap ID 88715.

In addition, you'll be able to manually add or remove tags from the Prototype Tags column. The tags will be more than prominent in the UX and volition also appear in the details pane. Also, users will at present exist able to provide feedback on irrelevant tags by using the "Give feedback" choice within the details pane of the document library, to help Microsoft improve the accuracy of future versions of the tagger. Learn more almost image tag functionality: Work with Epitome Tags in a Syntex library             .


Syntex enriches content with metadata, making information technology easier to turn that content into knowledge for Microsoft Search and for Viva Topics. Here's how:

Automatic topic access control

Syntex automatically adds Microsoft Data protection labels to content based on your models. And so, Viva Topics uses those sensitivity labels to exclude content from topic discovery, even when shared with overly broad permissions. This improves multi-level security.

Accelerating knowledge capture

Now, you tin can automatically add Syntex based taxonomy terms to term sets and content. In Viva Topics, knowledge managers tin can select terms from the taxonomy service to create topics and pull in related content.

For instance, if yous capture a contract from a new client in Syntex, the customer's proper name tin can be added to the term set up and tagged in the doc. Knowledge managers can use the term to create a new topic page with tagged content automatically included.

Improving employee experience

In the future, you lot volition be able to employ knowledge from Viva Topics automatically when yous generate new content in Syntex content assembly. Accelerating content cosmos improves the quality of employee experience by minimizing hunting, reading, summarizing, and pasting efforts, allowing employees to focus on what's important.

Nosotros're going to make it easier for everyone to unleash the ability of Syntex. Every Microsoft 365 user will be able to build models to classify documents and extract metadata, access content centers, and piece of work with processed documents. Previously, these capabilities had been limited to licensed Syntex users.

Our new capabilities for document generation, vertical solutions like contracts, advanced metadata search, and image tagging will be available with user subscription licensing, and pay as you go models for users who occasionally need to process documents. These updates and prices will be effective January 1, 2022. Final pricing details on user subscription licenses and capacity plans will be announced shortly.

[Update: the pricing/licensing changes have been announced, see the January weblog postal service here  for more than details.]


Keynotes and cadre themes

Hear from Microsoft leadership revealing the latest innovations shaping the flexible, innovative, and secure business environments of the hereafter.

  • "Microsoft Ignite Opening" (KEY01) | Speaker: Satya Nadella | Nov ii, 8:xv AM – viii:50 AM
  • "Empower everyone for a new world of hybrid work" (CTS01) | Speaker: Jared Spataro | Nov two, 8:55 AM – 9:20 AM

Breakout sessions

Have the opportunity to select the sessions all-time suited for your office and interests. All breakouts are packed with news, demos, customer stories, and insights into product and solution strategy.

  • "Rich, secure content and collaboration for hybrid work" (BRK206) | Speakers: Jeff Teper, Lincoln DeMaris, Ian Todd, Naomi Moneypenny, Navjot Virk, Cathy Dew, and Yina Arenas | November three, 8:30 AM – nine:00 AM
    • Related ATE after | "Ask the Experts: Content and collaboration across OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams" (CONATEBRK206) | Speakers: Numerous product experts | November 3, 9:xxx AM – 10:00 AM [live, interactive]
  • New Microsoft Mechanics prove with Omar Shahine, CVP SharePoint and OneDrive | "Better your hybrid piece of work and collaboration experiences across Microsoft 365"

On-demand sessions

  • "Accelerating business content process with Knowledge and Content Services  –Viva Topics, SharePoint Syntex, Search, and more" (OD118) | Speakers: CJ Tan, Chris McNulty, and Sean Squires
  • "What'southward new for file experiences in OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams in Microsoft 365" (OD109) | Speakers: Ankita Kirti, Arjun Tomar, and Carter Light-green
  • "Video and Microsoft Stream in Microsoft 365 -Powering Advice, Preparation, and Knowledge Sharing for the Hybrid Workplace (OD110) | Speakers: Chris Pratley and Owen Paulus
  • "Learn how SharePoint Syntex uses AI to transform the future of business content processes" | Speakers: Ankit Rastogi and Sugandha Jha
  • "What'southward new for Microsoft Search" | Speaker: Bill Baer

And in 2022, wait for even more than Syntex innovation to help y'all bring your content into the catamenia of work. We'll share those updates here on the Tech Community. Thanks.


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